Understanding the Common Occurrence of Cold and Cough in Children | Expert Insights

Understanding the Common Occurrence of Cold and Cough in Children 

| Expert Insights from Dr. Anand Shandilya & Dr. Nisha Krishnamurthy


Greetings to all readers! Welcome to SRCC Children's Hospital. Today, we delve into a crucial topic with Dr. Anand Shandilya, a consultant paediatrician, shedding light on the frequent presence of cold and cough in children.

**The Nature of Cough and Cold in Children:**

Dr. Nisha Krishnamurthy begins by emphasising that cough and cold in children are typically symptoms of viral infections. Newborns inherit immunity from their mothers, which lasts until around 9 months. As children begin to explore the external environment, especially through interactions with other children, their immune system is activated, often resulting in repeated bouts of cold and cough.

**Building Immunity Through Practice:**

Dr. Shandilya addresses the concern of parents about their children's immunity. He likens it to a learning process – children are essentially practising and strengthening their immune system. The key is to observe how quickly a child recovers after an illness. If growth parameters, such as height and weight, are on track, there's likely no cause for worry.

**Identifying Serious Cases:**

While most colds resolve on their own, Dr. Shandilya provides indicators for when parents should seek professional advice. Persistent fever, unusual lethargy post-fever, breathing difficulties, and bluish skin colour are red flags that warrant a visit to the paediatrician.

**Treatment and Prevention:**

Dr. Shandilya dispels the myth of antibiotics being a cure for viral infections. He advocates for allowing the child's natural immunity to take its course. Simple measures like using nasal aspirators for a blocked nose, giving appropriate cough medicine if necessary, and managing fever without suppressing it can ease the discomfort.

**Practical Tips for Parents:**

The discussion also touches on the changing trend of sending children to school at an early age. Dr. Shandilya suggests reconsidering this practice, harking back to the wisdom of delaying exposure to external environments until children are a bit older. For working parents, he advises keeping unwell children at home to prevent the spread of infections.


In conclusion, Dr. Anand Shandilya and Dr. Nisha Krishnamurthy provide valuable insights into understanding and managing the common occurrence of cold and cough in children. It's a natural part of building immunity, and with attentive care, parents can navigate these episodes effectively. If in doubt, consulting a paediatrician and maintaining good hygiene practices can go a long way in ensuring the well-being of our little ones.

For further information, do not hesitate to contact paediatricians at SRCC Children's Hospital.

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