I CONQUER AGEING by Eating the Top 3 Vitamins! Harvard physician John Scharffenberg, aged 100

I CONQUER AGEING by Eating the Top 3 Vitamins! Harvard physician John Scharffenberg, aged 100

"Vitamin D is a very important vitamin so many of our people are deficient in vitamin D more people are deficient in B12 than we ever thought."

Dr. John Scharffenberg: who is he?

Introducing Dr. John Scharffenberg, a Loma Linda University nutrition professor. Dr. Scharffenberg is still practicing medicine, nutrition, and teaching at the amazing age of 100. He shares his extensive expertise to help people live healthier lives.

The Exercise of Dr. John Scharffenberg:

Dr. Scharffenberg highlights how important exercise is to longevity and good health. He says that an obese person who exercises every day will live longer than a normal-weight person who does not exercise. He emphasises the value of continuing a regular exercise regimen, particularly in middle age, to lower the risk of Alzheimer's. Dr. Scharffenberg advises senior citizens to walk at least two miles each day, and he still does so at the age of 100.

The diet of Dr. John Scharffenberg:

In addition to being a vegetarian and not drinking or smoking, Dr. Scharffenberg is a Seventh-day Adventist. Dr. Scharffenberg lives in Loma Linda, California, which is one of the five recognised Blue Zones—areas where the average lifespan is higher. Studies suggest that this longevity may be attributed to a diet high in whole grains and legumes, and predominantly plant-based.

Five foods Adventists consume to live long lives:

In Adventist kitchens, the following five major food groups are usually found:

1. Legumes: Rich in protein, fibre, and other nutrients are beans, lentils, chickpeas, and peas.

2. Whole Grains: Consumption of foods such as muesli, brown rice and barley is associated with a decreased risk of diabetes, heart disease and several types of cancer.

3. Nuts: Including nuts in your diet can dramatically lower your chance of having a heart attack.

4. Fruits and Vegetables: A variety of foods offer vital plant compounds that reduce the risk of long-term illnesses.

5. Soy Products: Soybeans and tofu are great providers of protein and health-promoting plant components.

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Protein that Dr. John Scharffenberg mostly obtained:

Dr. Scharffenberg strongly advises soy, recommending 100 grammes or so of tofu every day. Rich in protein, minerals, vitamins, and isoflavones, soybeans may help ease menopausal symptoms and lower the risk of breast and prostate cancer.

Leading Fruit Dr. John Scharffenberg LOVES to consume:

Dr. Scharffenberg's favourite fruit is mango. A fruit dubbed the "king of fruits," mangoes are an excellent source of lutein and zeaxanthin, which may lower the risk of developing long-term eye conditions. They are also a fantastic source of vitamin B6, which is needed to keep the brain functioning properly.

Vitamin No. 1 that Dr. John Scharffenberg naturally consumes:

Vitamin A: Not enough vitamin A is consumed by about 45% of Americans. This vitamin is essential for immune system function, eyesight, and skin cell renewal. Vitamin A is abundant in foods high in beta-carotene, such as sweet potatoes, melons, and carrots.

The second vitamin that Dr. John consumes:

Vitamin B12: Deficiencies in B12 are common in older persons and vegetarians. Age-related declines in B12 absorption mean that supplements are frequently required to keep levels appropriate.

The third vitamin that Dr. John consumes:

Vitamin D
: Up to 70% of senior Americans and more than 50% of the general population are vitamin D deficient. The health of your bones and the absorption of calcium depend on this vitamin. Although sunshine is the best source, many people also require supplements, particularly in places with low UVB levels.

It becomes evident as we delve into Dr. Scharffenberg's longevity secrets that we must include a wide range of fruits and vegetables in our diets. But leading a healthy lifestyle that excludes dangerous substances and involves frequent exercise and involvement in the community is just as important.

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